Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Would Jesus Play?

I often get high-centered when I'm trying to figure out exactly how a guitarist is playing a lick on a worship song. What effects and amp settings are being used, which of the three or more guitar parts should I actually play, what will the acoustic guitarist be playing, WHO is the acoustic guitarist???

When I am trying to force it I've learned to simply take a breath and ask myself What would Jesus play? What if Jesus were jamming on a sunburst '57 Les Paul through a 1968 hand-wired Marshall Plexi? How would He play, how would He move, what kind of effects would He use? Would He need sheet music?

The thought that most often comes to me is that the music flowing out of Him would be so amazing that He would disappear. His music would open up heaven for anyone with ears to hear.

In the posts ahead I hope to explore the calling of a player in a worship team. What is good? What is good enough? How are we supposed to sound like these amazing bands that have played together for years? How do we get the best sound out of the current instruments and equipment we have access to? What forces need to come together to play a song with so much soul that we disappear and something eternal is revealed?

I am one guy, please feel free to comment about what musical struggles you face in your worship band and I will guide this blog to discuss what really matters.



Ben and Alli said...

I think the eternal question that runs through my mind is "How much presence should a musician have while playing worship on stage to a congregation?" It's easy to not think about it when you're listening to a CD, but what about when the music is live?

The best thing anyone ever told me is that a worship player needs to be like a mirror, reflecting peoples gazes up to God. Kind of like the guy at the airport with the red lights, directing the planes. And since we are "leading" God's people in worship, we should be examples...putting our best foot forward. As long as we are aiming for the goal of letting our souls shine and show that we love to worship God, we are doing our job. I think this also includes making no mistakes, staying on key, and checking out egos at the door. I know that when I see someone praising their heart out and really enjoying themselves, it makes me want to be praising right along side them.


P.S. In my mind, Jesus plays a Flying V because he loves to ROCK!

Ash said...
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